During this uncertain time Pyramid Press are trying hard to support its
customers in a safe and responsible way.
Please get in touch if you need us…
During this uncertain time Pyramid Press are trying hard to support its
customers in a safe and responsible way.
Please get in touch if you need us…
You’ll be pleasantly surprised just how environmentally friendly printing is……
A team of 8 novice runners has entered the Nottingham Post Corporate Challenge, aiming to get fit and raise some money for the domestic violence charity Equation.
We are giving away a bottle of Champaign, for the person who guesses, nearest to our collective chip time. For more information of how to win and to support us, please click onto the picture.
Alternatively you can use this link: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/PyramidPress
For more information about the hard work Equation do to help rebuild and change lives, please visit their website: http://www.equation.org.uk